From There… To Here

The social history of Wester Hailes


Last week we published the original community map produced by Wester Hailes Rep Council in 1987. This week we can show you the 1992 edition which followed on from it. As before, if you click on the map and scroll you’ll be able to zoom in and see any part you like in magnified detail.

In many ways there’s not a lot of difference from five years before but there are some significant changes. Firstly, blocks 4,5 and 6 of the Hailesland Park multis have disappeared and been replaced by Prospect Community Housing’s first development – the Walkers low rise new build scheme. The adventure playgrounds built by the community – the Venchie itself and the playgrounds at Clovenstone and Hailes Quarry Park (including the Quarry Youth Hut) – no longer exist. Also gone are the Cafe Venchie and the PAD Community Centre next to the Greenway in the Wester Hailes Park and Drive area. Other new facilities and buildings include the railway station, the Pyramid Youth Centre in Dumbryden, the Star Coffee Bar at Hailes Quarry and the Clovenstone Old Peoples Home.

In addition to the physical description of Wester Hailes the map sheds an interesting light on how the community structure had developed since ’87. The insert section in the top right provides details of the 23 Neighbourhood Councils, each with their own elected committee, which were functioning by this time, facilitating grass roots input and channelling activity into the Rep Council.

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